Kitchen Efficiency v. Laziness

As much as I love to cook, I’m all about simplifying things in the kitchen. My food processor, convection toaster oven and even my favorite santoku knife have made it easier to bring good food to the table in less time.  However, there are some kitchen gadgets out there that cross that fine line between…

Commercials That Don’t Suck

I’ve already written about commercials that get on my last nerve, but, believe it or not, there are a few out there that I actually enjoy watching.  Okay, maybe that’s exaggerating, but these ads don’t make me run to the remote to turn them off.  The Allstate Mayhem commercials — These spots are creative and…

Commercials That Miss the Mark (Part 2)

A few days ago, I posted about several commercials that didn’t make sense to me for some reason or another.  Here are some more commercials that four out of five psychiatrists agree you’d have to be certifiably crazy to enjoy. Nationwide Insurance – In this vomit-inducing series of ads, Nationwide shows their self-proclaimed “The World’s…

Commercials That Miss the Mark (Part 1)

We can all agree that there are plenty of annoying commercials on TV.  Some are irritating because of their content, others because of the number of times they are shown.  In fact, there are so many stupid commercials that I can’t possibly discuss them in just one blog entry.   So here we go with…